廢話就不多說了,subman 在他的 blog 上都寫的一清二楚了,小弟我在他知道得標的當下"正好"在他旁邊,於是乎也分了幾公斤....淌血中... (如果有善心人士願意減輕我囤貨壓力的請讓我知道 :P <-這是本篇重點)
Preparation: Elongated bean size, large, varied shapes and sizes, overall preparation could be better hand selected, few damaged beans, shells, discolored
Aroma (Dry): 8.5/10 sweet aroma
Fragrance (Wet): 9/10, very sweet and floral
Flavor: 9.5/10, explosive flavor, sweet and soft taste with African like finish, great acidity
Acidity: 9.0/10, nice acid that shows up behind all the sweetness
Body: 9.0/10, Great body well balanced, thick mouthful
Sweetness: 9.75/10: This coffee seems to have an intense sweetness, unlike any Kenyan I' ve tasted
Balance: 9.0/10: very well balanced
Uniformity: 10/10: 8 cups all were very consistent in flavor
I would score this coffee in the upper 90s.
星期四, 3月 22, 2007
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